Friday, August 26, 2005

CAMBODIA (Siem Reap): Lost City of Preah Khan

Lost City of Preah Khan
Originally uploaded by monkeymagictatsu.

I am at the end of 3 days here in Siem Reap exploring Angkor Wat and its surrounding ruins. Sitting here, I keep typing and erasing sentences because I don't know how to even begin to convey how amazing this place is. Even the hundreds of photos that I took do not even come close to conveying the experience. I must simply hope that you will someday have the chance to visit and see for yourself if you have not already.

Tomorrow morning, we leave for the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh.


SoulManifesto.Net said...

woah. hey, can you share some of your internal thoughts visiting all these mysterious places????

i can not imagine what is going thru in your mind as you step forward to land places that you have never been. pretty sure it is some mentally and spiritually crazy experiences for ya.

Take good care of yourself and watch out for some evils that may come on your way ;) :)


Anonymous said...

Hey, it's great that you got to see Angkor Wat! Back in 1973-74, I kind of remember Angkow Wat used to be designated as one of the "no bombing" zones. Your pending trip to Phnom Penh prompted me to Google it, and found this Frontline site interesting, especially the "Reporter's Diary"
There's more!! I've posted some (just 4) pictures from my recent trip to Beijing here:

Trip Master Monkey said...

Do you wanna know what was going through my mind visiting those "mysterious places" in Siem Reap, Kumi? It's really a sad commentary on how much time I wasted in junior high school playing video games, but to be honest, wandering around those ruins, the thought that kept going through my head the most was, "Man, this is just like 'Legend of Zelda!!!'"

I now strongly suspect that all RPG video game designers are sent to Siem Reap to see Angkor and the surrounding ruins. I can't tell you how many times I felt sure that if I pushed a stone or started digging somewhere or dropped a dodongo bomb a magic boomerang or 10 rupee diamond would appear.

Aaaaaaaa!!! I'm so otakuuuu!!!(..;)

SoulManifesto.Net said...

your comment definitely uplifted my day, Tatsu :) and yeah, explore your journey being Zelda collecting some diamonds and please remember to share me some later :) hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

great pictures tatsu. keep the updates coming. and stay away from mekong whiskey.....yuck!

Jenny said...

Tatsu, darling, I have been staring at this same post for about a year now! When are you going to put up some new pics? I want details from your travels, I'm living vicariously after all!