Tuesday, March 22, 2005

JAPAN (Koka) - Fashion Special: The Afterparty

After a long day of tearful goodbyes and many many glasses of Kirin Lager and Sake One-Cup, what better way to cap things off than by going bowling...furyou style. J (background) is thoroughly lit up off of many One-Cups and bowling fever. TJ (foreground), however, is keeping it frosty with the always classic Asian-poop squat decked out in his finest furyou gear: Nika-poka Pants by Toraichi (5000yen), Doka-jan Jacket by Winter Wear (1800yen), White Towel by Seiyu (100yen), rented Bowling Shoes (300yen), Sight of J drunk off his ass going down the lane with his bowling ball by Sake One-Cup (priceless)

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