Sunday, December 11, 2005

Japan (Kobe): Post India Thoughts - Cheap Update

It has been a few weeks now since my journeys came to an official end (according to my travel insurance provider). After leaving India, I stopped off briefly in Kuala Lumpur, visited my BFAM (Brutha From Anutha Mutha) Hiro and his family and then continued on to Japan.

In Japan, I spent a couple of weeks visiting classes at various universities to talk about my travels. It was good to see folks and eat good food and be clean again. However, I was somewhat surprised and delighted to find that I was actually anxious to leave Japan. Couldn't wait to get back here to the good ole US of A.

For some reason, I find it really difficult to sit down to writing about what happened during that time I was off at LAFTI. I don't think that I have fully processed the experience and as I sit here typing, I realize that part of me doesn't particularly care to revisit the experience for some reason. Also mixed in there is a little of my patented slothy lazy no good procrastinator juice. Okay...maybe more than just a little.

At some point, though, I'm gonna need to do this.